My Living Heros

Living Heroes #5
Carl Pepple

Carl Pepple was born in the mid-1970s. He went to college, then became a scientist. Somewhere in there, he married Kathrine Pepple. He started doing martial arts and became a black belt in multiple versions of martial arts. He is testing for his black belt in one type of martial art in a few months, and it will be his third black belt or higher in three types of martial arts. He just recently had a baby, Vivian, and she looks up to me a lot. Carl is one of those people who you think looks very calm and peaceful, and he is. He knows how to make lots of things, and he is very good at it. His job is a scientist, and from what I heard he is very good at it. A few months back, he applied for the Mars mission through NASA, and he went through the first phase of testing. Although he didn't make it all the way to the Mars mission, it still takes a tremendous amount of courage to apply for something like that. Karl Pepple is very courageous, he knows many different martial arts, and he is a very good father. Someday I hope to be very much like him.

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