Megan Frei's Posts (5)

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My hero and executive ASB president, lila

Lila was the executive ASB president and was the best ASB member I knew. the reason that I mention her as one of my hero's is because of what she did to help the sixth grade with something that wasn't even educational. when the sixth grade found something that earns grade points and brought it to the office we were disqualified because we shifted the light that it was stuck in. Lila took action and asked the custodian if the light was alright, it was then Lila went and told the person who disqualified us that she didn't have the authority to do so and 'saved the day'. therefore lila is one of my hero's.
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my hero, Mrs. Whitten, my 4th-5th teacher

My fourth to fifth grade teacher Mrs. whitten was amazing. she encouraged me to do my best and help others. you may be wondering 'fourth AND fifth?" she was able to move from fourth to fifth grade the same year I did and I am glad she did. Why? she was an amazing teacher who helped me alot on my path of education. I was happy to see her everyday and I loved to learn with her as my teacher. I still have contact with her and she is definitly one of my hero's. I hope everyone has or had a teacher that they really loved.
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My hero, Tia Booker

I think everyone on this blog page knows her and how amazing she is. Tia is one of my hero's because, well, firstly she is amazing at tae kwan do and also because she helped me get to where I am now (and Tia, if you're reading this thanks for all the help!) I love working with her because she inspires me to try things I wouldn't normally attempt at and she is just a fun person! this shows that just about anyone can be anyone's hero!
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My Hero, Joy Stroh

Joy stroh is a chef who works at the salud in the bellevue whole foods market and for a school activity a few other kids and I got to go and learn about cooking from her. I had no Idea how much fun it would be until I met Joy. she taught me almost all that I know about cooking and even better she became one of my friends that week. she is my hero because she knows alot about cooking and is willing to pass it on to anyone who wants to learn more about it.
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my hero, small but imaginative, chloe

Even if she is small, and only nine, she has a big imagination. chloe is my little sister who teaches me how to be creative and think outside the box, and by outside the box I mean turning a card board box in to a washing machine. for example just before diner chloe was playing with fuzzy ties and she made a spitting camel. she also is a big goof ball and that is who she is and she isn't afraid of what other people might think of that. she teaches me to be myself. and her even being one of my hero's shows that any ordinary person, can be anyone's hero.

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