Tia Mikols's Posts (4)

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3820654435?profile=originalRandom Bags of Kindness is something the kids and I have been doing for a while but have ramped up production for the black belt project.  We fill ziplock bags with items for homeless persons and keep them in the car to hand out to anyone who needs it. Usually they have water, food, socks, toiletry items, first aid supplies and other things depending on season (heavier socks in winter, more water in summer…) Some are designed for people with pets and have dog food as well as people food, some are for women and include feminine sanitary items.  Our church started doing this as well on a larger scale and it’s been a really successful program. I’d like to get as many done as I can with resources I have. I will put a donation box in the dojang with an example of a completed bag. We would love it if people would like to contribute any items they might have at home (hotel shampoo? Extra toothbrushes from your dentist?) Finished bags will be brought to the dojang and anyone can take one to put in their car to give to someone in need.  Maybe add a little note or some kid art to brighten someone's day.  

In addition to this I have volunteered to feed homeless men at Congregations for the Homeless and served as camp nurse at St. Thomas summer camp which is a great way to care for the next generation of big-hearted kids.


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3820654840?profile=originalThank goodness learning never stops.  There is always something else to discover, some large concept to grasp, some better control to have, some tiny thing to master that makes a world of difference.  I hope to contribute more as a teacher, open up to more experiences as a student, learn more types of weapons work which I think is really fun. I would also like to learn more of the traditions behind what we do as well because I think that’s what elevates the whole experience from being a workout to being an art.

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What kind of black belt will I be?

3820653910?profile=originalI hope I will be a kind one who will help other people feel empowered and supported.  I want to be a good role model for my kids so they know that nothing worthwhile comes without effort.  I want to be the person who keeps showing up able to do the most with what I have, whatever that might be (because I’m not getting any younger!)  Lastly, I want to continue to experience joy in the practice of martial arts because no matter what color the belt it has been a great way to focus my energy and become a more balanced person.

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Tia's Living Heroes

3820653813?profile=originalLiving Heroes

Michelle Powell - My Mom is the strongest and bravest person I know.  She has chosen her own path even though it’s been hard, faced loss with grace, stood back when I need to stand on my own and been beside me when I needed it.  She is an amazing parent and human. I hope I am a person she can always be proud of even on my worst days.

Kim Wheeler - Kim taught me that it’s never too late to decide what you really want in this life no matter what other people may expect from you or what road you find yourself on.  She showed me that choosing an adventure is risky but ultimately worth it. Kim died a year ago from ovarian cancer but she will always be present to me.

Mary Elmore and Chris Kole - Who have been like a second set of parents to me.  Their wisdom has contributed so much to people around them. Their love of the land they steward has been a great example of preservation and love of nature.  Sitting down to talk with them over tea continues to be a comfort for the soul.

Kallen Perez - This young lady has been through so much in her life but she has come through it all an amazing mother, a comedian, a gifted writer, an activist and all around superhero.  I am so proud of her.

Rev. Karen Haig - Karen showed me that it’s possible to have faith and still be true to myself.  She humored me when I was a yellow belt practicing my forms during breaks at the women’s retreat.  She gave me an appreciation of meditation through her amazing installations. Even though I still struggle with it her guidance was critical in finding quiet places in my own mind to let the spiritual side have a chance.

The Ohrbeck Family - (Desiree, Andreas, Lina, Ingmar & Coco) For being a safe place to land, a listening ear and a warm hug.  They are all my heroes. Even the dog.

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