Prior to starting Taekwondo, all forms of exercise had a finite life expediency for me. At the point when I started feeling comfortable or hit some basic level of competency, I would get bored and quickly lose interest. When that happen, I would quickly stop whatever the activity was. What I have found with Taekwondo is a never-ending stream of new challenges, I am always slightly off balance. This has kept me interested and motivated beyond anything else I have tried in the past. This consistent state of learning, of not ever really getting comfortable is one of the things which motivates me to keep coming back week after week.
A good example is when you start learning the forms. In the beginning, you start feeling comfortable when you can go all the way through the form without ‘guidance’. At the point that you start to feeling comfortable, the masters start expecting you to ‘lead’ the form. This is when you learn that doing the form and counting at the same time is much more difficult than you ever thought it could be.
Sparring is another thing which really motivates me. I joke with people when they ask about why I do Taekwondo, I tell them it is because nothing keeps you focused like the chance of getting a kick to the head. But there is a magical mix of the repetitiveness of the kicking drills where we learned kicking combinations and the spontaneity of reacting to your opponent that I really enjoy. I was lucky to have another Black belt to regularly spar with when I was starting out. He had been studying for decades and was very, very good. He repeatedly taught me to be ready for anything and that you never throw the same combination twice.
One of the more recent things that has motivated me has been watching the progress of the current group of adults as they have moved from middle belts, to high belts and now red (and up) belts. Having been there from the beginning and having played a small part in their journey is really motivational. It feels good seeing little suggestions or pointers you make, integrated and adapted by someone and helping them get better.