Everyone needs a little support

   This week my fiancee, Rita, started going to Physical Therapy for a few minor aches and pains that have been bothering her for a while.  I've been interested in body mechanics and muscular movement for a while and have been giving serious thought about going back to school to become a physical therapist; so I went with her.  I wanted to see what she was prescribed to do, see what other people were doing, and I wanted to be able to support her. 

   I've have had fairly decent support throughout my life.  There were a few things that I wish I had had more support in, but there have also been things that I've had overwhelming amounts of support in doing.  Giving someone a little support, whether it's needed or not, is a great way to let them know you care.  Even if you don't approve of the decision being made, having a solid, logical explanation of where you are coming from will go a long way and still achieve the same goal...letting them know you care. 

   Having a cheering section-even if it's only one person-can make a huge difference in how a person feels...physically, mentally and emotionally. 

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