Flynn Williamson
My Top Five Living Heroes
1.) Alex Honold
Alex Honold is one of the world’s best rockclimbers. He’s the expert on free soloing ; rockclimbing but without any pro, ropes, or safety equipment. Just him on the rock with his rockshoes and a chalk bag. Alex freesoloed the Yosemite Triple Crown and has done extensive cleaning and dozens of ascents up el cap’s nose and face, and Half Dome, as well as the Dawn Wall. Honold had a 4.7 GPA and was working on a degree for engineering at UCB, when he decided that climbing was more important to him than his suburban life, and so he left to go dirtbagging around Yosemite, and to climb its hugest walls. His impact on the rock climbing community is huge and he changed the way people climb all over the world. I motivate myself to become better at skills, because watching someone execute such expertise is a motivation for me to try to replicate.
2.) Jimmy Chin
Jimmy Chin is another rockclimber I consider a hero. He’s done expeditions all around the world from China to Argentina, He’s climbed Everest, and skied it to. He was part of the dream team the made the first ascent of Meru. Jimmy defines back country and big mountain skiing as well. He lightly cruises and glissades down mountains. Jimmy Chins own determination to become the best skier and rockclimber he can become has been strong enough to endure multiple deaths of his partners on big mountain. Despite still being incredibly high in skill, his mother did not want to see him die within his lifetime. When she did, Jimmy told us in Meru that he was holding back for his mother, and now that his parents are gone, Jimmy Chin has flourished his career with increasingly dangerous and highly skilled big wall and big mountain climbs. Jimmy’s determination is endless. If I can come to terms with the amount of dedication Jimmy Chin has put into his career, then I myself could use that strength to achieve my own goals.
3.) Cedar Wright
Cedar Wright is another legendary Yosemite climber, climbing relentlessly and working for Yosemite Search and Rescue. He’s climbed every one of California’s 14,000 foot peaks, and has done a successful alpine ascent of the Monte Fitz Roy in Argentina, with some of the most dangerous alpine conditions. Cedar is focused on his own wellbeing and happiness. He makes this clear on his social media. It’s not about the money or fame, it’s about friends and adventures. I’m very centered about the living experience but money is always goal. If I can view my material items for what they really are, and I can see the greater value of experiences and friends, then I think I will be able to really have a good time on what Cedar Wright calls “The Great Adventure”
4.) Bernie Sanders
Although the Campaign trail has come to an end for Bernie Sanders, I still am listening to his words and speeches. I’ve gone to He’s rallies in Seattle multiple times: Key Arena, Pioneer Square (BLM), and his speech at UW. I enjoyed Bernie Sanders anti-war and anti-greed messages when he was just a name being shared around. When he started his campaign, it kicked my knowledge of his political presence into high gear. Seeing someone with such high morality in his work, and seeing someone who actually understands sits down and listens to the poor, the working, and the discriminated. Now that he actually is in the spotlight, He’s message doesn’t change. Bernie has been fighting for an American revolution of logical and moral minds coalescing together for the betterment of this nation. I admire his morality and for that reason I look up to him as a normal man who was able to lead a following based on their own consent and knowledge, which transcends media, and false information. I can use he’s morality as a means to advance my own morality daily.
5.) Dylan Majewski
Dylan Majewski is a friend I really value and respect. He is a mentor to me. He’s concise, logical, and values all opinions. Dylan is a very academic student and has spent a lot of his outside time to study what really interests him. He’s inspired me to study outside subjects in my own time, and to read more outside of school. We’ve always had great conversations about the modern world and our own experiences. But it’s not all study with Dylan. We’ve skied, played music, and had deep conversations about our own emotions. He’s an almost infallible man. Dylan now studies at the University of Washington. I miss him greatly. If I can be as astute and generous as a person as Dylan is, I will be able to make strong friendships with many logical minds, and I will be able to pursue knowledge with a level of professionalism and enjoyment that I previously didn’t believe in.