Dennis D Armstrong Jr posted blog posts
Jan 15, 2020
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on MeLisa Strongheart's blog post Imagine your way to more consistent workouts!
"interesting! i've heard of skill improvement by concentration, but had no idea that studies were being done.  i need to read more on this!
May 18, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on eric sams's blog post My weekly push for 2nd Dan.
"Saturday was fun wasn't it!  i had a bruise on my upper shin from when we collided.  oh well though.  nice to see ya last night in class.  take care of that big toe"
May 18, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on eric sams's blog post Weekly blog about my push for 2nd dan.
"your presence has definitly been missed this week! especially because we've been sparring.  looking forward to getting my butt kicked next week"
Apr 14, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on Tina Jackson's blog post moving forward
"right on Josu!  keep on keeping on"
Mar 1, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on eric sams's blog post Weekly blog about my push for 2nd dan.
"glad to hear you're completely healthy again!  it's about time"
Mar 1, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on Krista Wells's blog post An object in motion stays in motion; an object at rest stays at rest
"Col Charels Moss, the camp Director at a troubled youth facility I worked at in Pennsylvania, , would tell kids when they were being lazy, 'A rolling stone doesn't grow moss'.  I've ways enjoyed that.  Especially because he in his 50's and could…"
Mar 1, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on Krista Wells's blog post An object in motion stays in motion; an object at rest stays at rest
"good for you!  it can be a hard reality to face some times...and an even harder one to maintain.  excuses are easy to come up with, but they loose power when other people are counting on you.  in college i had 2 friends that would workout with me…"
Mar 1, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr left a comment for Christine Scarlett
"welcome to the site, as well as the school! "
Feb 15, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on MeLisa Strongheart's blog post Children’s Classes at Martial Arts, What to Expect
Feb 11, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on MeLisa Strongheart's blog post It is not too early to educate your kids about drugs. seriously.
"thats nuts!  i remember being 6-7 years old, doing coloring pages that talked about saying NO to drugs.  i also remember asking my parents what the big deal was and us talking about it.  i'm really thankful that i had parents who are where…"
Feb 11, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on Tina Jackson's blog post Just a little off the top for me..please
"pillars of social interaction.  i'll practice with you! let's Golden Rule' it up!!!"
Feb 9, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on Krista Wells's blog post A few "Things"
"Patience is a great thing that i've learned from Martial Arts.  I've been with limited supply of it for as long as I can remember, but now I have a significantly extended supply!
Another thing is my diet....and I don't mean the 'OH NO! look at my…"
Feb 9, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on MeLisa Strongheart's blog post Martial Arts Lessons: It’s Not About Violence
"That was an excellent quesiton that was asked!   And it's great for us, as the instructors to be able to honestly say, 'No, actually it helps them stay OUT of trouble.'  Self Defense starts mentally.  You make a decision to 1. talk it out, 2. use…"
Feb 9, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr left a comment for Kate Hartley
"welcome to the site"
Feb 9, 2011
Dennis D Armstrong Jr commented on Dennis D Armstrong Jr's blog post Treat your body better!
"for me one of the most challenging changes has been changing the balance of my meals.  for some reason, in the US (and maybe other western cultures) the focus of the meal is the protein.  even looking at the food pyramid from elementary school tells…"
Feb 4, 2011