Community Service - Volunteer Project

Volunteering at a pre-school – Volunteer project                                                         6/12/2012-6/14/2012

To complete my volunteer hours 3820642013?profile=originalfor my black belt, I needed 6 more hours. So, I asked my sister’s school if I could help out for class. I was able to do this because I was out of school the week before. I spent three hours every morning for two days at the Cougar Mountain Montessori School.

What is funny is that I went to the same school when I was little, and the teachers I was helping out were my former teachers when I was 3 years old! They were so surprised to see me grown up (I am taller than them!). I helped the kids do their work, and the teachers with cleaning up.

At the end of the last day, all the kids wanted me to come back the next day. So I decided that I would come again for a third day, not for my volunteer hours but for fun.  They were so happy when I came in the room the next day, so was I.

Lesson learned: When work it doesn’t have to be so serious it can be fun too.


Alex H.


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  • I bet your teachers were thrilled to see you.   and impressed with the kind of person you are. 

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