Homework Party and Food Drive

Our annual homework party and food drive is a great way for children to get in the habit of doing their homework, it's ton's of fun and it's for a great cause. The Mayor of Mercer Island along with other eastside communities has made this month the "Eastside Month of Concern for the Hungry."  We will be taking food donations the day of the party, on October 29, 2011, and you are welcome to bring food in prior to the party we will have boxes ready for donation. 




Here is a list of most needed items:
Peanut butter
Canned vegetables
Canned fruit
100% fruit juice
Dry pasta
Canned spaghetti sauce
Canned stew
Canned soup
Canned beans
Canned meat and tuna
Dried beans
1 qt envelopes of powdered milk
Vegetable oil
Macaroni and cheese
Jars of baby food (1st & 2nd foods only, please)
Nutrition shakes (Ensure, Boost, etc.)

Snacks for kids lunches such as packaged cheese, granola bars, crackers, puddlings

Small sized  toiletries.


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