island (154)

After School 2019/2020

We are really excited for next years After School Program here at MIMA.  Please check out some information about the program, and some changes that we have made to it.  

Pick up:  One of our amazing, certified instructors will pick up your child from their elementary school (currently available for Lakeridge, West Mercer, Island Park, and Northwood elementary schools) in our vans. This way your child will start their day with us in a positive and structured environment.

During the short ride to

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BE AWESOME! Mid-Winter Break Camp 2019

3820655414?profile=originalLearn kicks, tricks, and combos!  A cool Demonstration Form, Trick Battles, and Kick Competition!  Also awesome character training:

Build AWESOME POWERS:  Be unique, stand out, show respect to self and others.  Build friendships, build confidence, and be a good sport.  All part of being AWESOME!

Register Now -- Space is very limited:  Be Awesome Camp!

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Family Class More Than Fun!


Abstract (summary): Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is the most common condition in children worldwide. Families are often challenged by the condition and some are utilizing family Taekwondo as a tool to manage unwanted symptoms.

The purpose of this qualitative research study was to explore the impact of family Taekwondo on the functioning of the family and child with ADHD, who were participating in Taekwondo programs in southern

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Gratitude Challenge

 Thanksgiving and Veteran's Day are coming up this month which means it time to start thinking about the things that we are grateful for.   Every year we challenge you to think about some of the things that you are thankful for.  Here is the research behind gratefulness, as well as our challenge to you.  We will be working on our Gratitude Challenge with the kids during our Veteran's Day Camp on Friday, November 10th. Adults and Teens we encourage you to do a gratitude challenge, as well.  


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Our kids are working so hard in our camps.  Not only do they do 3-4 formal martial arts classes per day, but they are also making daily trips to one of our amazing parks on Mercer Island.  They are playing active games, sports, and moving around most of the day.  This kind of activity burns a ton of calories-- plus kids grow so much during the summer, it's sometimes hard to keep up with their caloric needs.  As, parents you want to keep your kids healthy, so I found this link via Cooking Light f

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We recently had the opportunity to have a woman by the name of Amy Scarfone come and film one of our family classes in a 360 degree video format.  If you have never seen this technology it is a really great way to experience a class.  When viewing it you will need to open it in Google Chrome or another web browser that supports 360 degree video formats.  I was also able to watch it on my iPhone. As you press the button to look around you can see all of the different particptants in the class.  T

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Gratitude Challenge

This month in honor of Thanksgiving and Veteran's Day we are focusing on "Gratitude".

Mercer Island Martial Arts utilizes the latest research in areas such as positive psychology and exercise physiology to create a martial arts program that is both modern and mixed with martial arts traditions.   Here is just one of the many activities that we are currently doing with our students along with a short description of what positive psychology is.

Positive Psychology 

A refreshing change occurring in

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October is National Anti-Bullying Month

Hey Everyone,


October is National Anti-bullying month and this month we will be talking with the students about the impacts of bullying, how to handle a bully, as well as, if the child is a bully.  Here are some great resources and websites for your information

Bullying Sucks

Pacer Bullying

Stop bullying

Cerebral Palsy Guidance

If your child is being bullied or you know someone who is being bullied please call us or email us.  We can help


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10 Reasons to eat more fruits and veggies

  • Fruits and Veggies are pretty and they add color to your plate
  • They ar3820649635?profile=originale easy to eat and can be found in abundance
  • Fruits and Veggies are high in Fiber which helps you feel and stay satiated
  • Low in calories
  • High in antioxidants so may help reduce your risks for disease and cancers
  • Vitamins and Minerals.  Fruits and Veggies have ton of these
  • There are lots of different types of them out there, so you can always find one you like
  • A great healthy snack
  • Fun to eat
  • Fruits and Veggies are Nutritious an
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My Five Living Heroes

Phillips_Richard_Captain.jpg1. Richard Phillips- Richard Phillips served as the captain of the container ship Maersk Alabama. During a relief mission en route to Mombasa, Kenya, the ship was hijacked by Somali pirates. Although, the pirates were very hostile and short tempered, Phillips remained remarkably calm, and was careful not to antagonize them. You can see this event in the film, Captain Phillips.

2. Luke Kenworthy- Luke Kenworthy is currently a junior at Mercer Island High School. During last summer, I had recently

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Fun Run for a Good Cause!

3820647981?profile=originalThis Sunday is the 9/11 Hero's Run.  I (Master Wells) is putting together a team to run with me at the 2015 9/11 Heroes Run on September 13, 2015. I will be doing the 5k you can run, walk, or jog it.     If you are interested in registering please click this link and register with the Mercer Island Martial Arts team you still have a chance. 

or come and talk to me. 

My email is wells@mercerislandmartialarts.

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A breif overview of Tae Kwon Do Sparring Rules

200px-TaekwondoPictogram2012.jpgWe have recently had some questions about the sparring rules so I thought that I would quickly go over them. 

Here’s the basic rules:

 You can kick with any part of your foot below your ankle
 Only punching with a clenched fist and kicking are allowed in sparring.  No other techniques are allowed.  That means no sweeps, no mixed martial arts etc.
You can kick to two places.  Your opponent’s chest protector (hogu) or head
You can punch your opponent's chest protector only.  No punches allowed to

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How martial arts gets me through my week....

I have what can be a very exhausting job. I spend much of my time as a palliative medicine physician helping the sickest patients cope with their illnesses, support their families through their illness, and balance the delicate line between hope and reality. I see a lot of patients transition though the last days of their lives. I see reconciliations, lives well lived, peace; I also see mourning of lost time, regrets of things not done, and fear of the unknown. All of these things give me perspe

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3820644148?profile=original I love these fall months especially with Thanksgiving around the corner-- what a wonderful month. Everyone takes the time to be truly thankful for everyone and everything in their life. Although, in my opinion, it should be year round.  On November 11th we have a full day camp and part of the camp is introducing our gratitude challenge to the kids, but it would be wonderful if all of our students got involved!  So I'll start first, I am so grateful for of my family and friends, they are all so

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