mercer-island (4)

3820637786?profile=originalIt’s this simple:  Children defend themselves with their heads. It’s knowledge that protects children in today’s world. Knowledge about safety, about what to avoid, about what to do, where to go, and how to stay out of harm’s way.

We are a part of a remarkable association of martial arts teachers, really forward thinking and action-oriented instructors, who come together almost every day to move worthwhile projects forward. The group is called The One Hundred, it’s headed by a 6th degree black be

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visualization3.s600x600.jpgIt is commonly held, and research has confirmed, that sports performance can be improved with visualization, or imagery.  We practice this often with students here in order to improve technique, execution, or mastery of a complex move. 

Recent research has concluded that the same types of imagery can enhance "exercise self-efficacy", or in other words, help get a person off the couch, and in the dojang kicking, or out jogging, swimming, or playing tennis. 

I thought this was pretty exciting info

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Mercer Island graduates first CERT volunteer class

Saturday January 22 marked Mercer Island's first (CERT) Community Emergency Response Team Graduation. Over the course of a year Mercer Island citizens have spent one Saturday a month being trained to respond and assist with disasters. Volunteers are trained in subjects ranging from search & rescue, damage assessment to communic

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Everyone needs a little support

   This week my fiancee, Rita, started going to Physical Therapy for a few minor aches and pains that have been bothering her for a while.  I've been interested in body mechanics and muscular movement for a while and have been giving serious thought about going back to school to become a physical therapist; so I went with her.  I wanted to see what she was prescribed to do, see what other people were doing, and I wanted to be able to support her. 

   I've have had fairly decent support throughout

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