self defense (2)

KyoSaNim's Question Corner 3

Maya Angelou says:   courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently.  You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.  Being a leader takes a certain kind of courage, that requires a person to wear many hats, to achieve many goals personally and especially with helping others reach their goals.  This person accompasses that challenge everyday, and as a side note has been known to physic

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Does Self - defense really work?


Most people don’t ask me this question outright, but I know they are thinking it: Does self-defense really work?

That’s like asking the Sham-Wow guy if his towel really holds 12 times its weight in liquid, right? Hey, I welcome the believers and doubters alike, and I have more to offer you than my belief in the
effectiveness of self-protection measures. But first, let’s figure out
why it’s so hard to believe a woman can fight back and win.

I believe that doubt over the effectiveness of self-def

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