testing (3)

Hero Entry 4 - Judge Linda Jacke

Jacke,_Linda.jpg?1348058837(Slight disclaimer before I start; I tend to side with the prosecutorial side of issues when it comes to the justice system, this entry is just respecting someone I admire and not regarding any type of politics.)

Anyways, as a few of you know, I currently work for the King County District Court system. I have worked with many Judges over the past five years there and I have gotten to know them very well. Out of all the ones that I have worked with, I have the deepest respect and admiration for Ju

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Don't Fear the Test

   3820637199?profile=original  So over my time practicing Marttial Arts I've known a few people to get really stressed about belt tests.  Myself included.  Understandably so, it's stressful.  Of course you want to make progress and be rewarded for it, but then there's always the doubting voice in the back of your head. 

    There are numerous ways to cope with stressors, too many to talk about here.  Some people shout, some cry, some bottle it all up, some run, some fall, some people stand up and take it head on.  No matt

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A Bright and Shiny New Belt?

    3820637257?profile=original So lately there have been a few projects for the younger students that focus on their future goals...such as making Black Belt.  Also, talking to people that are getting close to that goal has been kinda ramping me up for my next step.  Sometimes it's still surreal for to look down and see that black belt tied on my waist.  Its been almost 2years, but the novelty of this particular achievement hasn't worn off! 

     As some of you may or may not know, TaeKwonDo isn't the martial art that I i

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