I saw what Cameron did with the origami and I thought," I did exactly the same thing last year"! Last year at Oshkosh (the cloth3820641873?profile=originaling store) they had a a sort of fundraiser by making paper cranes. Every paper crane gave one clothing item from Oshkosh to a child in Japan after the Tsunami. So I proposed my class if they wanted to take part in this fundraiser, they accepted (we had just learned how to make paper cranes in art class). So we where making paper cranes for a whole month. We where always trying to find time to make cranes at lunch and even during class secretly! We made about 200 paper cranes!!! We lost the photo of our paper cranes but these are Eastgate elementary's paper cranes that were at the store.

Alex  H.

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  • That is great!   I hope Cameron sees this post too.   Maybe we should have an oragami folding night.  You could show the other kids how to do it.   Way to go Alex

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