No questions asked: National Drug Take-Back Day September 25

The city just sent out this notice inviting residents to drop off unused, unwanted, or expired prescription drugs at Mercer Island City Hall:

Safely declutter your medicine cabinets and help prevent increased pill abuse and theft at the first-ever National Drug Take-Back Day on September 25. From 10:00am to 2:00pm, drop off your expired, unwanted or
unused prescription medications at City Hall located at 9611 SE 36th
Street. Mercer Island Police Officers will be present to take back your
unwanted drugs which will be safely and securely disposed of by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.

This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the
United States are increasing, especially among youth, as are the number
of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show
that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family
and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. Unwanted
medications can also pose a risk to the environment if disposed of
improperly. Flushing them down the toilet or throwing them away are both
potential safety and health hazards.

The Mercer Island Police Department along with Mercer Island Youth and Family Service Department’s Communities That Care (CTC) Coalition, and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) are coordinating the local
drug take-back day event on Mercer Island.

“With this prescription drug take-back campaign, we are bringing attention to the dangers posed by unwanted drugs—and offering a solution to dispose of them safely and securely, said Police Chief Ed Holmes.
“The Mercer Island Police Department is committed to working with
agencies in an effort to keep drugs out of the hands of those who may
experiment and abuse drugs. This program is a great tool which allows
families to help us in the fight against drug use.”

“Awareness and education around the issue of prescription drug abuse is part of CTC’s community-wide prevention efforts—that the Mercer Island Police Department has stepped up to host this event represents
the kind of community collaboration that it takes to really make a
difference and ultimately save kids’ lives,” added Communities That Care
Project Director Derek Franklin.

These Prescription Medications Will Be Accepted:

  • Prescribed narcotic drugs (Vicodin, Oxycontin, etc.)
  • Prescription medications
  • Over the counter medications
  • Medication samples
  • Pet medications
  • Medicated ointments/ lotions
  • Vitamins
  • Inhalers
  • EpiPens (unopened)
  • These Prescription Drugs Will Not Be Accepted:
  • Personal care items
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Aerosol cans
  • EpiPens (used)
  • Mercury products
  • Iodine products
  • Radioactives
  • Business waste
  • Empty containers or “sharps” (needles)
  • Marijuana


Enter City Hall via the driveway located on the west side of the building and follow signs to the loading dock. Mercer Island Police Officers will be present to take back your unwanted drugs which will be
safely and securely disposed of by the DEA. There is no charge.

Agencies sponsoring National Drug Take-Back Day include the Washington State Department of Ecology, Citizens for Resource Conservation, King and Snohomish Counties’ Public Health Departments,
and the Group Health Foundation.

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About the Author:
MeLisa Turcott Strongheart is a Master Instructor and owner at Mercer Island Martial Arts. She is a 7th Dan Master Instructor. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Psychology, Mental Health Counseling. She brings these two areas of specialization to her work with families, children, teens, and in designing curriculum.

Master Strongheart emphasizes and has taught thousands of students the value and power of respect. Respect for oneself, others, and the community.

(MIMA), located on Mercer Island between Bellevue and Seattle in Washington is celebrating 24 years on the island in 2021. MIMA's curriculum is intentionally designed to build fitness, flexibility, self-defense, as well as to create a milieu that engenders physical and psychological growth, respect, courage, community activism and leadership.

MIMA has programs for families to practice side by side, as well as adult, teen, and children's classes. Also offers before and after school, and summer camp programs for kids.

You can contact through email:; calling 206 230-9050.

The school is located at:
2630 77th Ave SE #106-108 Mercer Island, WA 98040
Parking free under the building.

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  • After posting this I found out that CTC (communities that care), a board I am a member of, is c0-sponsoring this event. Funny I didn't know it at the time.
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