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KyoSaNim's Question Corner

hello-1769.jpg?width=150Hello!!  For those of you I haven't met yet, I'm Claudia Vlcek.  I'm a second degree black belt who's been involved with Martial Arts for 26 years.  I love everything about taekwondo and have a ferocious hunger for knowledge, learning, and answers.  

question+mark.jpg?width=275With that being said feel free to email me with any questions and/or comments about Mercer Island Martial Arts.  Or if there is someone/ something involved with the dojang that you would like to know more about.
For instance, recently you've probably

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Hero Entry 1 - Renee Swadener


My best friend of 8 years, and someone I consider my sister, even though we’re not related at all. You have always listened when I needed to talk to someone. You are one of the kindest, sweetest, caring and most understanding person I have ever met. Even though you and your husband both live in Arizona, you have always been a phone call, e-mail, and/or instant message away. We have literally talked every day since the day we met. We talk about some of the most random things (cheese comes to mind

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intelligent-curriculum-logo.jpg?width=350We are involved in a rather revolutionary project involving a change in the what, when, why, and how of teaching people of all ages about self-defense. The project has been launched with my martial arts teacher’s association, The One Hundred (The 100), and involves a concept coined Intelligent Curriculum.

The idea of an "Intelligent Curriculum" is a process where web-technology is applied to teaching people about the depth and scope of self-defense as it applies to today’s world. For example, th

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