bullying (10)
For more info on this and other bullying stories go to www.BullyingSucks.com
We are members of a group of amazing martial artists called The One Hundred. We are seeking to redefine the role of the Master Teacher in today’s world. We are asking each other, as martial arts teachers to push ourselves in ways that serve as examples of our collective potential.
We believe our “business” is the business of being extraordinary human beings; of using our training for something more than fighting; of bringing authentic mastery to our schools by practicing the martial arts in ways
What is Cyber Bullying?
Cyber bullying is bullying through email, instant messaging (IMing), chat room exchanges, Web site posts, or digital messages or images send
to a cellular phone or personal digital assistant (PDA) (Kowalski et al.
2008). Cyber bullying, like traditional bullying, involves an imbalance
of power, aggression, and a negative action that is often repeated.
Cyber bullying has some rather unique characteristics that are different from traditional bullying:
- Anonymity: As bad as t
Bullying Quiz (answers and explanations follow the test)
Complete the following quiz by selecting True or False for each question.
- Bullying is just a part of growing up. The effects of bullying on victims are short-term and minor.
a) true
b)false - Bullying is not a serious problem for the bullies; they eventually grow out of this behavior.
a) true
b)false - Most bullying occurs in high school because older students are more confident and willing to pick on others.
a) true
b)false - Bullying is usuall
Melisa Turcott invited me to visit your site and to let you know about my film that is coming out nationwide on March 9th.
The film is called THE SENSEI and it will be release via DVD and Digital Media.