child (3)

logo-all.pngJust completed this training with the Stewards of Children.  It is an adult focused child sexual abuse prevention program, empirically proven effective in prevention.   It has been shown to increase knowledge, improve attitudes and change participants child-protective behaviors.

I recommend it for all who work with children, live in a community with children, have children, or have been children.  lol. 

OK, seriously though, good info, and helpful.   We, (the staff of MIMA) do sexual abuse prev

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Child Safety Tips

ONE IN 42 WILL BECOME LOST, MISSING, KIDNAPPED THIS YEAR--CHILD SAFETY TIPS!!!.by Dreamcatchers ForAbused Children on Monday, October 5, 2009 at 9:10am.Child Safety Tips One in 42 children will become lost, missing, kidnapped or run away this year. While stranger abduction is relatively rare, it still happens. Most abductions are perpetrated by someone the child knows. Child abduction is a tragedy. It devastates the parents, families, and touches all of us. Please read the following carefully ab
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As some of you already know, we are teaching a great group of kids from the CHILD school. We do so at a significant discount so that they are able to give this training to their kids. We are proud to share with you that we have so far donated over two thousand dollars to the school.


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