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Child's Play Charity

3820643575?profile=originalBefore I start, I use the term "nerd" in a very endearing way :). I like to think of myself as a nerd at heart. I love talking about computers, video games or pretty much anything technology related.

A few years back during my fall quarter at UW I got pretty sick, I don't know all the technicalities behind what happened, but my doctor pretty much said my immune system was on overdrive. It got to the point that I had to drop most of my classes except for the one that I really needed to take. Trave

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Hero Entry 5 - The Lady with the Forgotten Name

an-unknown-hero.jpg(I know the title of this post is a bit cryptic, but I promise, I will explain it!) During my senior year of my undergrad at UW, I had to find a place to do an internship. I found a place called the "Unemployment Law Project", which is located at Downtown Seattle. It was a non-profit law firm that would take cases where a person thought their unemployment benefits were wrongfully taken away from them.

I met and talked with a lot of people there, but one of them stood out to me the most. I honestl

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Hero Entry 4 - Judge Linda Jacke

Jacke,_Linda.jpg?1348058837(Slight disclaimer before I start; I tend to side with the prosecutorial side of issues when it comes to the justice system, this entry is just respecting someone I admire and not regarding any type of politics.)

Anyways, as a few of you know, I currently work for the King County District Court system. I have worked with many Judges over the past five years there and I have gotten to know them very well. Out of all the ones that I have worked with, I have the deepest respect and admiration for Ju

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Hero Entry 2 - Bethany Robinson

3820640433?profile=originalI call you Renee’s sister for a very good reason! Even though, we’ve only known each other for about a year, I consider you to be one of my best friends. You are so caring in regards to your friends. You have always listened to my rants and raves too, and I honestly don’t know how you and Renee can stand me! We talk almost every day as well, about some of the most random things as well (I swear I’m not copying and pasting the other post); that it always helps brighten my day a bit (transitioning

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