lessons (9)

Olympic Fever!

  I just need to confess.   I am getting so excited about the Olympics, and especially TaeKwonDo competition this year in London.   So we are going to be working on a lot of Olympic style sparring, the rules, and how it works.   Here is a really fun video to check out with some outrageously cool techniques.

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It takes a certain mindset to be offended by someones words or actions. Choose not to take offense, as once taken, your opponent already has the advantage. Instead of being offended, be “fascinated.”  You cannot control others actions, but you can control how you choose to respond to those actions.

It takes a certain mindset to be offended by someones words or actions. Choose not to take offense, as once taken, your opponent already has the advantage. Instead of being offended, be “fascinated.”  You cannot control others actions, but you can control how you choose to respond to those actions.

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3820637786?profile=originalIt’s this simple:  Children defend themselves with their heads. It’s knowledge that protects children in today’s world. Knowledge about safety, about what to avoid, about what to do, where to go, and how to stay out of harm’s way.

We are a part of a remarkable association of martial arts teachers, really forward thinking and action-oriented instructors, who come together almost every day to move worthwhile projects forward. The group is called The One Hundred, it’s headed by a 6th degree black be

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