martial_arts (2)

What Can You Do If You Are Sexually Harassed?

Sexual-Harassment1.jpgThere is no one way to respond to harassment. Every situation is different and only you can evaluate the problem and decide on the best response.

Friends, affirmative action officers, human resource professionals and women's groups can offer information, advice and support, but only you can decide what is right for you. The only thing you can be absolutely certain of is that ignoring the situation will not cause it to go away. Above all, DO NOT BLAME

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3820640456?profile=originalAs, many may be aware of there are many benefits to practicing the art of mediation but recent research suggests that those benefits are even more.  A recent article in the New York Times sparked my interest and I thought that I would share it with you:

How Meditation May Change the Brain

Over the December holidays, my husband went on a 10-day silent meditation retreat. Not my idea of fun, but he came back rejuvenated and energetic.
He said the experience was so transformatio

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