safety (8)

As a parent, you may be struggling with how to talk with your children about a shooting rampage. It is important to remember that children look to their parents to make them feel safe. This is true no matter what age your children are, be they toddlers, adolescents, or even young adults.

Consider the following tips for helping your children manage their distress.

Talk with your child. Talking to your children about their worries and concerns is the first step to help them feel safe and begin to

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Emergency Preparedness

72-Hour_Emergency_Kit.jpgI've been a volunteer on the Mercer Island Emergency Preparedness Team for two years now and I get asked a lot about how to be prepared in case of an emergency.  I would like to share with you how to be safe,  get supplies and have a plan.  I mean think about it for a second. Where do you spend most of your time? At home, at the office and in your car. Who are you responsible for? Yourself, your kids and your animals. So, where do you go from here? The best way to be safe during and emergency is

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It's Spring! Rollersport Safety

- Always wear a helmet and make sure it fits comfortably and does not block your vision or hearing.
- Wear shoes that fit properly and cover your feet completely.
- Protect yourself with wrist braces, elbow/knee pads and gloves.
- Never ride on busy streets.
- Never hitch a ride with a car, truck, or moving vehicle.
- Look over your play area for hazards like rocks, gravel, holes, or bumps.
- If you lose balance, try to crouch and roll instead of sticking your hands out to stop your fall.
- Nev

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3820636813?profile=originalLets start with some very basic rules of tae kwon do Olympic style sparring.


you can punch (with a clenched fist).

And you can kick with any part of your foot below your ankle. And that's it.

No other techniques are allowed only punches and kicks.

You can kick to two places. Your opponent's chest protector or side of the head (although at our school we only allow certain ages and belt levels to go to the head). 

You can punch your opponent's chest protector.  You can't punch your opponent in t

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Child Safety Tips

ONE IN 42 WILL BECOME LOST, MISSING, KIDNAPPED THIS YEAR--CHILD SAFETY TIPS!!!.by Dreamcatchers ForAbused Children on Monday, October 5, 2009 at 9:10am.Child Safety Tips One in 42 children will become lost, missing, kidnapped or run away this year. While stranger abduction is relatively rare, it still happens. Most abductions are perpetrated by someone the child knows. Child abduction is a tragedy. It devastates the parents, families, and touches all of us. Please read the following carefully ab
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Save,at least, one life this year

Save, at Least, One Life

~ This Year ~

The Escape to Safety Card Game

As a part of our upcoming belt test, we are teaching all of our students how to execute a leadership project called The Escape to Safety Card Game

The game, designed by our friend, martial arts teacher Tom Callos, is already responsible for saving the lives of two boys in California.

Our project requires your child to teach at least 3 other people how to use the game to plan and practice an emergency escape route from one’s

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Today there was an incident which involved the police and resulted in the kids at IMS and Island Park to go into the "lockdown" mode.

When something like this happens the kids come in and immediately talk about it. They are in a sense "traumatized" . Please don't misunderstand me; on a scale of 1-10 this probably wouldn't rate very high. However, in my experience they are affected, and need a little help working through what happened.

For some kids, this incident will roll off their backs. Others
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