visualization (3)

visualization3.s600x600.jpgIt is commonly held, and research has confirmed, that sports performance can be improved with visualization, or imagery.  We practice this often with students here in order to improve technique, execution, or mastery of a complex move. 

Recent research has concluded that the same types of imagery can enhance "exercise self-efficacy", or in other words, help get a person off the couch, and in the dojang kicking, or out jogging, swimming, or playing tennis. 

I thought this was pretty exciting info

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visualize.jpgLet’s pretend your child has an important project which will require him so speak in front of his class or maybe the entire school. Now keep in mind this is just an example, but the idea is to use visualization on just about everything, especially the tasks which he may feel challenged and fearful of. 

 Say to him something like this..”Son it’s your turn.  You feel  calm, your muscles are relaxed,  you’re breathing easily,  you’re on your way up to the stage and you’re taking your time.  You sta

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I know I have written about the importance of monitoring our thoughts.  We learned that we become what we think about most of the time.  The challenge is to control thoughts of past failures, present and future problems.  The goal… to replace those thoughts with thoughts of success and victory.

The best way I have found to help teach your child to control his thoughts is with a fun concept called visualization.  Positive visualization or mental rehearsal, as it’s sometimes referred to, is practi

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