My Living Heroes

         Super-Teacher.jpg       My first living hero is my history teacher, Bill. He always encourages you to research and discover new things about the ancient world. He makes history fun while we are also learning things about the ancient world.

            My second living hero is my science teacher, Walter. Whenever someone is yelling at him in class or not doing what they are supposed to do he does not get angry and frustrated no matter what. I have learned so much more about science so far this year than what I have learned in past years.

            My third living hero is one of my fencing coaches, Barbara. She is always there for fencing-kids-shirts_design.pngme even if it's to refill my water bottle at nationals. When I am competing along with several other students of hers she will still have time to watch my bouts and tell me how I can improve. I admire her for that.

            My fourth living hero is my trumpet teacher, Rona. No matter how bad I sound or how wrong I am when I answer a question, she doesn't laugh or yell at me. She tells me to keep trying or calmly tells me the answer. She has other students that take lessons with her, but she still remembers what we have been working

            My last living hero is my sister, Sarah. She is always really nice to me when I am down and she keeps my brother and I from fighting no matter where my parents are. She takes me shopping even if she does not like the store I want to go to or if she is not planning to buy anything.  If I want to play a game she will always play something with me and will always be a good sport if she loses and she will not be a boastful winner if I lose. I wish everyone had a sister like mine.


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  • I really like your living heroes 

  • Abby, you picked some great heroes.... you are going to make a great black belt leader.

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