planting trees community project

My friend and I walk down a beaten dirt path with my mom following behind. We drop our trees off in the dsc_0294.jpg?width=375right section. My friend and I don't need to talk much to know what we were thinking,tired sweaty and a tad hungry. An hour later everyone gathers in a circle to learn how to plant a tree from the woman who set this all up. It was hard work as me and my friend jump on the shovels to get them in the ground. We find a sleeping caterpillar and a fuzzy caterpillar and a bear caterpillar as well. I thought about how soon all these trees will be eating, sleeping,and even giving birth on these trees. Soon everybody is gathered for a walk as the woman explains what the goal of this is, to restore this whole field. Apparently before this group bought the property blackberries took over. Forcing some animals to leave and making the land look like a hurricane hit it! But then they bought the land, organized a bunch of groups to come and help restore the land! This made me think about this woman and how she really wanted the world to be better. And boy, did it make me feel good!

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  • Dear Jido Ena,

    I love the way you wrote about your experience.  I got a real feeling for the day.   Nice project:)

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