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No one ever ‘gets’ a black belt. It’s not something that you wear, it’s something that you become.
Many people know that at our school children are not allowed to "get" their first uniform and white belt either. They earn it, by proving that they understand that martial arts is more than kicking and punching, and that at Mercer Island Martial Arts we teach, lesson one, that respect is the foundation, and the most important lesson of training. They prove it by practicing the idea at home, part
Over the years I have heard many ideas from parents regarding how to keep kids safe with their cell phone; and more often about how they keep the cell phone from becoming their child's teenage-invisible friend at the dinner table.
I think most agree that kids having a cell phone really helps in terms of safety, reaching their kids, and pick ups and drop offs. Below I pasted a "cell pone contract" for first time cell phone users. I thought it was a great way to get started on a conversation
Be Aware
Be aware of what you're doing, beginning with your breathing. "I am aware that I am breathing." "I am aware that I am listening." "I am aware that this too shall pass."
Nobody Can Make You Anything
Nobody can make you sad, angry, happy, depressed, or grouchy; you don't give anyone that much power over you. Only you can make yourself anything. Maintain control of your own emotions and thinking.
"Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. "
Viktor E. Frankl
When in a bad position, when under pressure, instead of struggling and wasting energy, embrace your opponent and relax. Your time will come.
When someone wants to argue or fight or make you struggle, just tap out. It's a lot better than getting hurt or causing someone else pain. Tap out and don't worry, you'll be able to come back soon enough. (Note: this may be the best relationship advice you ever receive).
Surprise your opponent by doing exactly the opposite of what's expected. If someone expects you to be hurt, be honored. If they expect you to be angry and upset, surprise them with your calmness. Train yourself this way and you almost always have the advantage.
Don't Push Back
When someone pushes you, give in and let them come through. You lose nothing --and often gain a better position. Two wrongs don't make a right --so resist less and think more.
Only $10 per child, and no martial arts experience necessary.
Martial Arts, movie, snacks,games, and board breaking, a fun night for kids, and date night for parents.
Movie nights are recommended for 6 and older.
Time: January 11, 2013 from 6pm to 9pm
Location: Mercer Island Martial Arts
Street: 2630 77th Ave SE, 106-108
City/Town: Mercer Island
Phone: 206-230-9050
Take No Offense
It takes a certain mindset to be offended by someone's words or actions. Choose not to take offense, as once taken, your opponent already has the advantage. Instead of being offended, be "fascinated."
For the next several weeks we will be discussing the importance of building one's confidence. In this week's lesson we will focus on "Engaging in Positive Self-Talk"
As a parent, you may be struggling with how to talk with your children about a shooting rampage. It is important to remember that children look to their parents to make them feel safe. This is true no matter what age your children are, be they toddlers, adolescents, or even young adults.
Consider the following tips for helping your children manage their distress.
Talk with your child. Talking to your children about their worries and concerns is the first step to help them feel safe and begin to
Come follow "The Incredible Shrinking Master Project", join the discussion about healthy eating, exercise, and thinking.
We are affiliated with and teach FAST Defense, the most transformational journey into Conflict Resolution and Personal Protection you will ever experience! FAST Defense has been designed by the country’s top experts in the Personal Empowerment/Self Defense Industry.
This course is a scientifically developed program covering 3 crucial components for effective confidence and personal safety:
1. Awareness Skills: To detect and avoid the most common hostile situations found in everyday life.
Come to our website at for more information, articles, videos, training, and ideas. We were just recognized for the work we are doing in anti-bullying education by the NING network. They are the host of over 100,000 blogs/networks --- and we were mentioned as one of the top 8 for bully prevention education!