Claudia Vlcek's Posts (18)

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Gratitude Challenge 2017

I love this challenge because I have so much to be thankful for and so many people to be thankful for.  I am thankful for my family, I am grateful for my friends,  I am thankful for all that I have and I am grateful for special students.  There is just so much to be grateful for :)!

This year I need to thank a very special person in my life.  She is intelligent, kind, hysterically funny/ witty, artistic and the adjectives could go on for days.  Thank you Jessica Merly, you are an amazing woman and I am so excited to have you in my life!  Thank you for all that you do for me, you are a phenomenal woman!  


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Oct. 29th 2016

Super excited for this weekend!


Not only because i get to have fun with all the kids, but also because we are collecting food for the food pantry at Youth and Family Services.  There is nothing better then having fun and working together as a community!  

Please stop by to drop off some food.

The party is Saturday Oct 29th from noon to 4pm.

 Games, prizes, bouncy house, board breaking, demo team performance and more!

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Gratitude Challenge

I have so many people in my life to be thankful for and I really should make a point to thank those that are so wonderful to me.  It is so difficult to choose one, but this individual popped into my mind because they are kind, loyal and someone who is definitely inspiring to me.  This person has helped me when I didn't know that I needed help.  She is not only a friend but also someone I admire.  I think I could, well actually I know that I could go on for days about how great you are, so with that in mind thank you Krista for being so amazing and for all that you've done for me.


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Mercer Island Martial Arts Belt Meanings

I have had several students ask about the meanings of the belt, so here you go:


Is the first belt, represents a beginning, a purity and a lack of knowledge of the Martial Arts


Represents growth and exploration.  Now we see the need for more knowledge and dynamic techniques.


Represents the trees, the roots are now firmly planted and we reach up into the sky for light and greater knowledge.


Represents the internal changes that occur as we strive to strengthen and purify our inner being.


Represent the sky above the trees, searching for more techniques.


Represents the color of the earth, as a foundation from which Martial Arts philosophy grows.


Represents the sun, high in the sky, filled with energy and power


Represents the fusing of your mind and body as you strive even harder to become the Golden Individual.


Represents the arrival of completion to your journey toward Black Belt.


Represents the culmination of efforts and achievements, it's a recognition of excellence and assurance in our proven abilities.  It is also a new beginning to a higher level of knowledge.


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A couple years ago, Master Strongheart posted blog's called Five Words Friday.  I loved it!  It forced me to think about goals, write them out and then successfully complete them.  I feel that putting opinion and goals out loud/ sharing them holds me accountable and upon completion makes me feel good.  With that being said, what are your 5 goals for October?

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Gratitude Letter

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I have so many people to be thankful for, it is so difficult to choose just one.  I love all of my family and friends because they inspire me in so many different ways!  One family member who i'm grateful for is my Uncle Gavin.  He has stood by me through thick and thin.  He is such an amazing person.  He is my Hero!  

Dear Uncle Gavin,

Thank you for all that you do and what you've done for me!  Your caring and compassionate nature encourage me to be a great person.  I'm astounded by your loving nature for our family and how you are able to support all of us.  I am a very lucky person and proud to call you my uncle.  Thank you for being so amazing!  I love you and miss you!



xoxo            3820644452?profile=original

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3820644148?profile=original I love these fall months especially with Thanksgiving around the corner-- what a wonderful month. Everyone takes the time to be truly thankful for everyone and everything in their life. Although, in my opinion, it should be year round.  On November 11th we have a full day camp and part of the camp is introducing our gratitude challenge to the kids, but it would be wonderful if all of our students got involved!  So I'll start first, I am so grateful for of my family and friends, they are all so special and wonderful in so many ways!  What are you grateful for?

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Thank You for Taking Food Donation Boxes!

450px-Thank_you.jpgWe would like to extend a thanks, and encourage you all to show your support to these businesses joining in to make this year's food drive, and halloween party the biggest and best yet!

Eye Level Learning Center in Factoria


The name Eye Level stems from a story about a teacher who sought to improve his ability to teach. During a trip to an art museum, the teacher knelt down and looked up at every painting. A curious fellow visitor asked why he was crouched down to examine the works of art. He replied, “I’m an elementary school teacher and I’m bringing my students here tomorrow. I was wondering how they would enjoy the paintings they see, so I’m exploring the museum at their eye level.”

It is understanding of the child’s perspective that sets Eye Level apart from other supplemental educators. We believe this is the reason for our successful results, and the key to growth and self-directed learning. We encourage critical thinking, problem solving and life-long learning.


Suhrco Management Property in Bellevue

SUHRCO manages a diverse portfolio of commercial and multifamily residential properties in the Puget Sound region. Established in 1973, the company employs more than 300 experienced professionals dedicated to meeting the management, leasing and brokerage needs of building owners, tenants, and condominium/homeowner association boards and owners.


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We Need More Compassion

3820643288?profile=originalWhat is going on in this world?  As a martial artist and human being i try my best, to live life to the fullest and spread peace.  I love the word compassion, it's such a powerful word. I think that the world needs a little more compassion in it.

“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” The 14th Dalai Lama (born 1935)


“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ” Aesop -


“Frequently people think compassion and love are merely sentimental. No! They are very demanding. If you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu (born 1931)

Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.


“I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go.” Rachel Joy Scott (1981-1999);
Student, First Victim Of The Columbine High School Massacre

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KyoSaNim's Question Corner 3

Maya Angelou says:   courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently.  You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.  Being a leader takes a certain kind of courage, that requires a person to wear many hats, to achieve many goals personally and especially with helping others reach their goals.  This person accompasses that challenge everyday, and as a side note has been known to physically put on different hats through out the day.  Hello Master Strongheart!

1)  Tough question, what is your favorite book?

Well, you know that is a tough one.  I really love to read.   So I am going to cheat.

Favorite contemporary poet:  Maya Angelou

Probably all time favorite poet:  William Blake

honorable mentions:   WH Auden, Pablo Neruda, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth, Allen Ginsberg, T.S. Elliot, John Keats, Shakespeare (especially Hamlet, and the Merchant of Venice), Robert Bly, Adrienne Rich, William Carlos Williams.  Oh dear, I need to stop thinking about this one.  Sorry to all the great ones I haven't mentioned.

Novelist/short story/essays:   Tom Spanbauer, Ken Follet, Johnathan Switft, Maurice Sendak, Johnathan Stewart Mill, Heinlein (don't remember his first name), Andrea Carlisle

2)  I know how you like your 5's, What are 5 words to describe you?

laughing, introvert, teacher, faithful, creativity ( I asked sbn wells to help me with this she said "nutty professor")

3)  How long have you been involved with Martial Arts and what is your favorite activity?

I started Martial Arts training in Judo when I was 8.  I am 44 now.   Favorite martial arts activity:  teaching, having fun, kicking hard, fast, hapkido, kumdo, punching,

4)  Kenny had asked about our style and form of taekwondo in a previous blog, can you please elaborate on his question a little?

My primary study of TaeKwonDo was under a Korean Master who studied life long in many aspects of Korean Martial Arts.  We, at MIMA have an eclectic approach to our practice of the arts.  We use a Western Boxing style of hand techniques (primarily, with the exception of some of our blocking, and work in traditional forms).   Our kicking in a "sport" TKD style, with elements of kickboxing.   We do traditional stances, and techniques primarily as part of the poomsae (forms) work etc.  The traditional comes from the Moo duo kwan, and JiDo kwon history.  We also as part of our self-defense training use hapkido, a little aikido, and judo for dealing with grabs, and for redirecting an attackers force against him.  We use reality based self-defense training in terms of our self-defense workshops, and include the mental, emotional aspects in that.

We train, to "get out of the way" of the aggression, and therein a counter attack is executed.   We currently are working with, and studying with Master Tom Callos who is a high ranking, and lifelong martial artist.  He started in the 1970's with the practice of Korean, and other martial arts.   We also work in association with GrandMaster Rudy Timmerman of Ontario Canada -- again a life long practitioner of martial arts.   He is also the head of the certification body, the International Korean Martial Arts Association.  

5)  Miles, wants to know what is your favorite song?

If you want to sing out-- Cat Stevens;  perhaps others would rank as high, but aren't rated pg.

6)  What do you do when you are not at Martial Arts?

Do a lot of reading, surfing the web, watching favorite shows, researching, love to have bbq's in the summer/spring with friends, and playing with and training my dog.    

7)  Joe wants to know your favorite animal?  He likes panda's.

I've gone through quite a few favorite animals.   Probably overall it would be birds of all kinds, especially hawks.  

8)  CGN Ena wants to know what is your favorite food or sweet?

I like just about everything, with Frank's Hot Sauce on it.  Love spicy foods.  Foods not overly hot, but clearly spicy.

9)  What keeps you motivated?

My desire to make a positive difference in the world, and to have a meaningful, fun life.   

10)   Who inspires you or Who do you consider to have great courage?

I consider folks who have suffered, and lost, and gone to, and through dark times, and places, who have struggled and come back, have courage.   I think kid's who stand up to others who are picking on, humiliating other kids because they are different, are courageous.  I think people, and especially kids, who are open about their differences, whether they be religious, ethnic, cultural, sexual orientation, or belief's are courageous.  I believe those who serve others, whether they are appreciated or not, are courageous from the Navy Seal, to the Social Worker.  I believe foster kids are courageous.  I find artists of all kinds, painters, actors, musicians, and also martial artists, who stand up, work hard, for their art, and perform, are courageous.  I think those who have power, whether it is physical, social, or economic, who reach out to those, and protect those who do not, are courageous.  I think parents are courageous.  I think those who take a risk, make an investment, believe they can change the world are courageous.   

11) Thank you for being one of our courageous leader's and thanks for wearing the many hats (it cracks me up).  I know how much Maya Agnelou inspires you so I'd like to end this question corner with my favorite quote of hers:  I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.  I am grateful to have you as a friend, a leader and my big sister. Don't forget:  BE RESPECTFUL, BE POSITIVE AND KEEP KICKING!! 

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Kyo Sa Nim's Question Corner 2

love,icanread,ins,admire,inspire,self,expression-eb5db61949cc77a833a1e5a6e46f16c2_h.jpg?width=350During the past few weeks the words inspire/inspiration have been appearing in my life, more than usual.  So, I looked it up, the definition of inspire/inspiration, it is stimulation of the mind, feelings, influence to motivate, to affect or touch, to spark something special or unusual activity or creativity.
After looking up the definition, I proceeded to get lost in thoughts about amazing individuals who have inspired me and one particular individual, has been on my list for years.  She has seen me through good and bad, encouraged me, watched me grow and definitely has inspired me.  Hello SaBimNim Krista Wells!

1) SBN Wells,  how long have you been involved with martial arts and what inspired you to take your first lesson?

Gosh, I have been a full time "professional" martial artist for about 16 years now.   I love doing martial arts, and owning a school. It’s my dream job.

2)  What is your power song?

      I love to listen to music so this one was a hard one to answer for me,  but I guess if I were to pick just a few power songs it would be either “Yoshmi Battles the Pink Robots” by the Flaming lips or “All these things that I have done” by the Killers.


3)  What is your favorite book?

      Again like music I Iove to read so picking just one book would be hard.   My favorite author isKen Follett.  I love his historical fiction novels such as Pillars of the Earth and a World with Out End and his recent series about WWI and WWII.  When I was a teen my favorite series was The Clan of the Cave Bear Series by Jean Auel.  I think she is coming out with new one so I’m excited about that.

4)  What is your favorite activity about martial arts?

  Kicking, Kicking, Kicking :).   I also love that it’s an all over body workout, being a runner which is so lower body centric I love that what we teach gets both my arms and my legs while teaching such a wonderful and valuable skill such as self-defense.


5)  5 words that describe you?

     This is a funny question because prior to taking the "VIA Survey of Character Strengths"   which measures 24 Character Strengths,  (which is a really great test for anyone who wants to get a better understanding of themselves);  I would have described myself very differently.   Since taking the test I can really understand, and become aware of some of my true strengths.  Here is the link for anyone who is interested


    Industriousness is my top strength.  Which is so me because I love to get things done and quickly.  I find it so satisfying to complete a goal or a challenge.  Leadership is another one of my top strengths, and I would say that I pretty much picked the perfect job for that :),   Critical thinking and open mindedness, Curiosity and interest in the world are also some of my top strengths.  Ok this was way more than 5 words but there you go.  Maybe, one of my strengths should be long windedness, if that is even a word :).


6)  What keeps you motivated?

     It depends on the task but I would say that the main thing that keeps me motivated is the satisfaction of the work that I do with the kids and adults.


7)  Vivian wants to know what your favorite ice cream flavor?

      Chocolate chip cookie dough, if that isn’t available than vanilla is always a good one


8)  Aaron wants to know what you do outside of martial arts?

      I love to run, read, hang out with my dogs, cook for friends and family, swim, snowboard, sit outside on my deck :).


9)  Taiko wants to know how did you become the best martial artist?

      Well, first of all thanks Taiko for the wonderful compliment.   I am surrounded by the best people and martial artists.  I truly believe you are only as good as the the people you surround yourself with.

10)  Jido Amanda likes chocolate cake or cheese pizza what is your favorite food?

     Popcorn air popped with a little bit of butter and salt, but if I’m out of that then I will settle for Pop Sercrets Homestyle Mircowaved Popcorn.

11)  Who inspires you?

       Many people have inspired me throughout my life including my mom, and in regard to my training, Master Strongheart.  However, on a daily basis I would say the students inspire me and keep me going. That spark in their eyes when they are learning something new, or just had a really great work out.  


Thank you for your time and everything that you do. John Quincy Adams once said, If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.  You are a leader.  Master Wells, you are a wonderful leader, not only that, but a great teacher and friend.

Please email me with any questions and remember BE RESPECTFUL, BE POSTIVE AND KEEP KICKING

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KyoSaNim's Question Corner

hello-1769.jpg?width=150Hello!!  For those of you I haven't met yet, I'm Claudia Vlcek.  I'm a second degree black belt who's been involved with Martial Arts for 26 years.  I love everything about taekwondo and have a ferocious hunger for knowledge, learning, and answers.  

question+mark.jpg?width=275With that being said feel free to email me with any questions and/or comments about Mercer Island Martial Arts.  Or if there is someone/ something involved with the dojang that you would like to know more about.
For instance, recently you've probably seen a smiling, positive yellow stripped blonde in the lobby, assisting or taking classes.  Her name is Jido Jessica Merly.   

Jido Merly has known about M.I.M.A. for years, but has finally decided to commit to goals of achieving her black belt by immersing herself within the Martial Arts culture, and training.  

I asked her these questions...

 1)  Jido Merly, what made you get involved with Martial Arts?
I was encouraged by an instructor from M.I.M.A to try a class.  I was very nervous because I had a horrible past experience with martial arts.  I'm super happy i did give it a try because I enjoy working out in a group setting, there is so much energy, and after the first fun class I felt so energized.

 2)  Besides black belt, do you have any goals you are currently working on?
I consider myself a very ambitious person, i strive to do my best in every endeavor I'm involved with.  Recently, i did a 5k fun run, and i'd like to join in more runs and walks, but quite frankly my primary focus is receiving my black belt.

3)  Favorite Martial Arts kick or activity?
Ooooh that's a tough question...I love all kicking.

 4)  Favorite book?
I love to read; I read all the time.  My favorite book from childhood is Alice in Wonderland, a brave little girl who fights for good.

 5)  Someone who inspires you?
Different people inspire me for different reasons, but my number one would have to be my family.  They surround me with love, compassion, support and values.  The list of positive adjectives is never ending.

 6)  What keeps you motivated?
Connections with people, being and living in the moment.

 7)  What is your power song?
Who You Are by Jessie J

8)  5 words that describe you?
Creative, Passionate, Energetic, Patient, Genuine


I hope you enjoyed learning something new about someone in the school.  Share your questions with me and remember BE RESPECTFUL, BE POSITIVE, AND KEEP KICKING ---  respectfully, Kyo Sa Nim Vlcek

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