focus (11)

Common Courtesy

soccer.jpgOne beautiful afternoon last summer, the little ninja and I (or more correctly, the little Messi at that particular moment), stopped by the Park on the Lid to work on our soccer skills before heading down the hill for TKD.   We were going through our usual drills a little pass & run, some fancy footwork and shooting.   There was a goal set up and we were taking advantage of it.  Call me optimistic but I am reasonably certain that even casual observer would have been able to tell we were taking p

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3820640456?profile=originalAs, many may be aware of there are many benefits to practicing the art of mediation but recent research suggests that those benefits are even more.  A recent article in the New York Times sparked my interest and I thought that I would share it with you:

How Meditation May Change the Brain

Over the December holidays, my husband went on a 10-day silent meditation retreat. Not my idea of fun, but he came back rejuvenated and energetic.
He said the experience was so transformatio

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You didn’t start your study of the martial arts to “go through the motions” of it all, did you? Of course you didn’t, but look around you in your next class and I’ll bet you spot a number of your classmates doing that very thing, going through the motions. It’s human nature to get distracted, to multi-task, and wander off course.

To deepen and strengthen your practice so that you stay on the mark and make reasonable progress, I offer you these 10 time-tested, Tom-tested tips:

1. As often as you c
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A Path to injury recovery- My journey

cross-roads1.jpgSeveral months ago I was injured during Martial Arts.  Once I got over the initial pain of injury I determined I was at a cross road.

Have surgery and rehab with the possibility of returning back to a high level of physical activity including martial arts or do not have surgery and live a life of limited physical activity which basically meant walking only.

Thinking back to life before martial arts- I could return to a life where I felt lethargic and just not well and walking through life a day at

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My weekly push for 2nd Dan by CGN Eric Sams

3820638199?profile=originalGreetings everyone, its been a couple of weeks since I wrote here. Been a little busy with work and life and such. 

 I wanted to say that I have enjoyed training a lot lately. I am working hard on moving forward with my training, and still feel very motivated. Thank you so much to SBN Strongheart for the things you shared with me tonight, that was very helpful. I will put that to good use.

I enjoyed tonight's class. I have been having a great deal of fun at class the last couple of months. I can h

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What is self-discipline?  Self-discipline has been defined as the ability to make yourself do what you know you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like or not!  A disciplined person knows what has to be done and does it.  They don’t put it off until latter or allow themselves to be easily taken off track.  And, most importantly they prioritize and focus on being self-disciplined with activities that move them toward their goals.  There’s a big difference between having self-disci

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The Listening Posture

Parents; Have you ever found yourself wishing that your son or daughter listened better?  Do you feel that just a slight improvement in their listening skills would make a huge difference in their potential?

Getting your child to absorb 100% of what you’re telling them is a challenge that many parents and teachers face. Did you ever wonder…”Boy I hope he listens in school better than he does at home!”

If your son or daughter could improve their listening comprehension just 10% it would have a pr

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I know I have written about the importance of monitoring our thoughts.  We learned that we become what we think about most of the time.  The challenge is to control thoughts of past failures, present and future problems.  The goal… to replace those thoughts with thoughts of success and victory.

The best way I have found to help teach your child to control his thoughts is with a fun concept called visualization.  Positive visualization or mental rehearsal, as it’s sometimes referred to, is practi

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Parents; Have you ever found yourself wishing that your son or daughter listened better?  Do you feel that just a slight improvement in their listening skills would make a huge difference in their potential?

Getting your child to absorb 100% of what you’re telling them is a challenge that many parents and teachers face. Did you ever wonder…”Boy I hope he listens in school better than he does at home!”

If your son or daughter could improve their listening comprehension just 10% it would have a pro

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