goals (6)

Five for Friday~! GOALS

goal-sm1.jpgAs we are turning the corner from spring to summer, and this weekend it may even be 80 degrees, I'm refreshing my goals, and wondering about yours!   We are seriously interested in hearing, knowing, and helping you reach your goals.  So, for this Five Friday --  list five of your goals.   big, or small.   Lets be bold.   Make a statement, hold ourselves to the fire, dream bigger, and help each other achieve!

I'll start:

1.  continue my Shrinking Master quest --(recently at a bit of a stall as I

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Black Belt questions

1. What are my goals upon having reached black belt for my future training and learning?


My first goal is to become a second dan before I graduate from high school. I look forward to mentoring future students working toward their black belt. In martial arts I learned to focus which helps me in fencing and in school.

2. What kind of black belt will I be?  (what kind of example do I expect to set?)


The kind of black belt I want to be is one that stands up for my community when someone i

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A Bright and Shiny New Belt?

    3820637257?profile=original So lately there have been a few projects for the younger students that focus on their future goals...such as making Black Belt.  Also, talking to people that are getting close to that goal has been kinda ramping me up for my next step.  Sometimes it's still surreal for to look down and see that black belt tied on my waist.  Its been almost 2years, but the novelty of this particular achievement hasn't worn off! 

     As some of you may or may not know, TaeKwonDo isn't the martial art that I i

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Shinai%20Bamboo%20Sword.jpg?width=308I am  little late posting this one, sorry about that. Things are a little busy at work this last week. I had a good week of training, the workshop we had Wednesday was so much fun. I know I have a lot to learn with weapons, but I am hungry for knowledge. 

 My mother in-law earned her black belt in Hap Ki Do Saturday. Go mom! I find that so inspirational. 

 That means that I need to keep focused on my goal of 2nd Dan. I will make it, I know I will.

 See you in class.

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My weekly push for 2nd Dan.

Black%20Belt%202nd%20Deg.jpg?width=288I had so much fun last night!

I am very motivated to push forward. I am working at a new job so making class on time will be catch as catch can. I am hoping that I will be able to make Tuesday and Thursday like usual.

I am  little tired today but it feels great. I wish I had more time to give to the other students to help them along, I feel it is important that I give as much as I can.

This journey is starting to feel like giving is more important than receiving. And I like how that feels.

If any st

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Overcoming setbacks

persistence_of_a_dream.jpgIn life there are always things that will challenge you to reach your goals. They come in may ways. I will let you know a few of mine.

As a few of you know Eric (CKN Sams) and I started TKD with Master Wells 6 1/2 yrs ago. Our goal together was to achieve our black belts. Well, 3 yrs ago I hurt myself during a belt test. I was going for my Brown belt. I did pass my test but it left me injured. I had to have surgery on my knee in the following 3 months. Needless to say, it was hard for me to watch

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