mercerisland (13)

healthy_body.jpg?width=307One list cannot automatically tell you how to turn negative body thoughts into positive body image, but it can help you think about new ways of looking more healthfully and happily at yourself and your body. The more you do that, the more likely you are to feel good about who you are and the body you naturally have.

1. Appreciate all that your body can do. Every day your body carries you closer to your dreams. Celebrate all of the amazing things your body does for you --running, dancing, breathi
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3820637341?profile=originalWhat do these 35 businesses have in common?  They have all qualified and are part of the Mercer Island Green Business Program.


Mercer Island Martial Arts, Auto Spa, Bennetts Pure Food Bistro, Blue Sky Cleaners, Chick's Shoes, Christian Science Reading Room, City of Mercer Island, Corry's Cleaners

French American School, Island Books, Stroum  Jewish Community Center, John Scherzo & Co., Mercer Island Chamber of Commerce, M. I. Nutrition, Mercer Island Farmers Market,

Mercer Island Florist, Merc

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  3820636575?profile=original There aren't many things that I enjoy more than a good heart pounding workout.  I try to mix things up so that I don't get bored, which happens easily.  Running, hiking, trail running, biking, lifting weights, annoying my fiancee...just to name a few that I cycle through most often.  Then there's the one that I do daily at the Dojang and the one that I would like to invite you to. 

   Currently we are doing a noon class on Thursday's.  So far we have a handful of people coming regularly but it

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I have been thinking a lot about building and creating habits, and how habits are formed, and how they affect daily life.  And I often reflect upon one of Newton’s laws of physics and how it helps me to illustrate habits and practice especially in terms of "motion" read as "exercise".  


About six months ago I was going really strong working out on a regular schedule, eating healthy, drinking plenty of water.  Then I slowly had a few days of not working out, eating out a little too much, not dr

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moving forward

It's been a long time coming. I am very excited about being able to test again after a long time off.

DahnBohNym.jpgI have never forgotten what my goal has been in Martial Arts. Since the day I put it up there, my eye has never been off that Black Belt on the wall.

Setting goals is a very important part of getting anywhere in life. Some goals might be for later today, next week or even years down the road. The thing to remember is to set them today!

Over the years I have set many goals. Some goals change, and I'

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The amazing wonders of water

3820636471?profile=originalI had always been told that one of the best ways to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight was to drink plenty of water.   So I was curious what the research said on how much water was good for you, and why it promotes a healthy weight. 


A 2010 study done by Brenda Davy, PhD where she took 48 adults all on a low calorie diet and divided them into two groups one drank two glasses of water before a meal and one didn't.  The participants who drank 2 glasses of water prior to their meal lost a

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It’s this simple:  Children defend 3820636059?profile=originalthemselves with their heads. It’s knowledge that protects children in today’s world. Knowledge about safety, about what to avoid, about what to do, where to go, and how to stay out of harm’s way. 

We are a part of a remarkable association of martial arts teachers, really forward thinking and action-oriented instructors, who come together almost every day to move worthwhile projects forward. The group is called The One Hundred, it’s headed by a 6th degree blac

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Please, if you don't know what to say, or how to say it, let me know.  I would be happy to help.  But the story I read today, is unfortunately not uncommon.  6th graders:  read below.


I will make sure to post more blogs on talking to your kids, and how to educate them to prevent this kind of problem for them.  

9 School Kids Take Pills, Rushed To Hospital

POSTED: 4:24 pm MST February 4, 2011

The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office said nine sixth grade children were rus

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I took my first martial arts lesson at age 9. By the age of 13, when my friends were experimenting, when peer pressure seemed at an all time high, when I just knew my brain power had far surpassed my father’s, and when I couldn’t pass any reflective surface without gazing in wonder at what it beheld, I was firmly and deeply entrenched in my identity as a martial artist.
The classes anchored me, in fact, they were just about the only place where I could stand completely still for any extended pe
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