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As our beautiful summer does its best to hold off fall it is easy to forget that the season began with a terrible bang (more accurately, several bangs) with the shootings at Café Racer Espresso in the U District. While I didn’t know any of the victims, I had seen Joe Albanese & Drew Keriakedes perform, we had mutual friends and that was close enough to effect me. 

As the details of events began to emerge in the following days I was struck by the actions of one of the shooting’s survivor’s Mr.

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intelligent-curriculum-logo.jpg?width=350We are involved in a rather revolutionary project involving a change in the what, when, why, and how of teaching people of all ages about self-defense. The project has been launched with my martial arts teacher’s association, The One Hundred (The 100), and involves a concept coined Intelligent Curriculum.

The idea of an "Intelligent Curriculum" is a process where web-technology is applied to teaching people about the depth and scope of self-defense as it applies to today’s world. For example, th

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Self Defense for Women

1. Heart Disease

One in three women get heart disease . Heart disease is responsible for

488,946 deaths in women per year – more than all forms of cancer combined

(more than 950,000 Americans die from heart disease per year). It is the mostsignificant health concernfor women in the U.S. today, but according to the American Heart Association, only 13 percent of women know that heart disease is a major threat to their health.

To minimize your risk: Don’t smoke; Limit intake of alcohol;

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