Date Rape Tips.pdfI have spent a good deal of time and study regarding the problem of, and prevention of date rape. I really thought this article did an outstanding job summing up and covering the subject in a consice, non paranoid way.
violence (4)
Just the other day a parent asked me if she thought my classes promoted violent behavior in young boys. She was inquiring about lessons for her son and was concerned that he and his friends might take what they’re learning and use it inappropriately.
I thought it was a fine question.
Yes, there have been a few cases (very few) of students “playing martial arts” with friends, the same way they play as their favorite superheroes, but I’ve never heard of the play being malicious or hurtful. I do
It is easy to be angry, and upset about the behavior of bullies. After all we know that their behavior has terrible outcomes for their victims. But empathy, and compassion for bullies, ought to be part of our approach to the problem of bullying.
Kids do not become bullies without system involvement. Remember without the bystanders, and the silent consent given by folks within their system, the bully would not have the ability to bully at all. In fact, the research is clear that the negative eff
"Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency." Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou is a person who has overcome great obstacles, kept a vision for her life, and for what she can give and achieve. She has inspired me to be a better teacher, as she stands as one of the truly great ones.
She practices her art, and continues to produce her creative works even as she has moved into her 8th decade of life.
She teaches compassion, tolerance, and respect; she lives
compassion, toleran