water (2)

The amazing wonders of water

3820636471?profile=originalI had always been told that one of the best ways to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight was to drink plenty of water.   So I was curious what the research said on how much water was good for you, and why it promotes a healthy weight. 


A 2010 study done by Brenda Davy, PhD where she took 48 adults all on a low calorie diet and divided them into two groups one drank two glasses of water before a meal and one didn't.  The participants who drank 2 glasses of water prior to their meal lost a

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5 Facts that will make you lay off the bottle(d water) – for good.

5 Facts that will make you lay off the bottle(d water) – for good.

Are you a bottled water addict? Admitting you have a problem is the firststep in curing an addiction. It’s time we all take a look at this complicated relationship we have with a completely useless product fueled by manufactured demand. Fortunately, water is free and available to most of us here in the Western World (most of us just take it for granted). Yet, we keep spending our hard-earned money on bottled water. Why?


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