This Weeks Falcon Winners Are:
Casper , Dyani , Vicente, Dane, Cassidy, Emma, Kaleb, Kevin, Ryan, Levi, Jack, Audrey, Abbey and Rayden
This Week's Eagle Winner is:
This Weeks Falcon Winners Are:
Casper , Dyani , Vicente, Dane, Cassidy, Emma, Kaleb, Kevin, Ryan, Levi, Jack, Audrey, Abbey and Rayden
This Week's Eagle Winner is:
We are holding try out for the 2013-2014 Demonstration Team on Thursday Sept 19th at 5:30pm.
Try out to have the opportunity to be part of a small group of dedicated, like minded, motivated students.
Demo teams build high levels of confidence because students are taught how to perform in public. There’s an awesome rush that comes from performing for your community and getting accolades!
Team members will have the opportunity to further your training faster while developing leadership skills even
With back to school coming up quickly, I believe it is a great time to refresh or address safety tips and plans with the kids. So, I am going to post about several of the things I try to cover with the kids I teach each year.
"In 2010, one-fifth (19%) of all children 5-9 who were killed in traffic crashes were pedestrians." Source: Traffic safety facts: Pedestrians, NHTSA 2012
Here are some ideas, and ... Click here for the original post I wrote on Mercer Island Patch
By Tom Callos for Mercer Island Martial Arts
You didn’t start your study of the martial arts to “go through the motions” of it all, did you? Of course you didn’t, but look around you in your next class and I’ll bet you spot a number of your classmates doing that very thing, going through the motions. It’s human nature to get distracted, to multi-task, and wander off course.
To deepen and strengthen your practice so that you stay on the mark and make reasonable progress, I offer you these 10 tim
These five points have helped hundreds of people JUST LIKE YOU Discover issues with starting a After School that they NEVER would have considered – issues to be Excited about, WARY about, and everything in between!
1) Safety
The number one MOST important thing that should be stressed in an After School Program is safety. From the drills that are done in class, to the way the warm-up is presented, Safety has to be paramount through and through.
You would think that because it’s “Martial Art
What I have learned from practicing Tae Kwon Do and will be able to bring into my life and continue to use is perseverance, leadership and respect. I have been taking Martial arts for over nine years, and have kept going despite many challenges. At multiple points, I have had to change schools, and restart at the beginning. From this, I have persevered and continued practicing, and am now prepared to test for my Black Belt. I have also learned about how to teach others, and better communicate wi
My definition of being a black belt has evolved over the years. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a ninja and/or a Power Ranger, that’s what being a black belt meant to me back then. Now, it means being Batman, fighting crime and taking names… Kidding! When I started doing martial arts, I thought being a black belt would be to become proficient at self defense techniques and sparring. As I progressed through Mercer Island Martial Arts, I found that being a black belt was so much more.
Before I start, I use the term "nerd" in a very endearing way :). I like to think of myself as a nerd at heart. I love talking about computers, video games or pretty much anything technology related.
A few years back during my fall quarter at UW I got pretty sick, I don't know all the technicalities behind what happened, but my doctor pretty much said my immune system was on overdrive. It got to the point that I had to drop most of my classes except for the one that I really needed to take. Trave
(I know the title of this post is a bit cryptic, but I promise, I will explain it!) During my senior year of my undergrad at UW, I had to find a place to do an internship. I found a place called the "Unemployment Law Project", which is located at Downtown Seattle. It was a non-profit law firm that would take cases where a person thought their unemployment benefits were wrongfully taken away from them.
I met and talked with a lot of people there, but one of them stood out to me the most. I honestl
(Slight disclaimer before I start; I tend to side with the prosecutorial side of issues when it comes to the justice system, this entry is just respecting someone I admire and not regarding any type of politics.)
Anyways, as a few of you know, I currently work for the King County District Court system. I have worked with many Judges over the past five years there and I have gotten to know them very well. Out of all the ones that I have worked with, I have the deepest respect and admiration for Ju
Princess Diana, 1997. "I knew what my job was; it was to go out and meet the people and love them." . . . "Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you."
I recently read a book about the life of Princess Diana and I was in awe of her drive and courage to help those wherever there was a need. Now, typically she is associated with words such as 'generous, compassionate, caring, giving, kind,selfless, humanit
What is going on in this world? As a martial artist and human being i try my best, to live life to the fullest and spread peace. I love the word compassion, it's such a powerful word. I think that the world needs a little more compassion in it.
“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.”
Myth: Violence in relationships does not affect many people.
Fact: Studies estimate that one in three teens are in an abusive relationship.
Myth: Battering is only a momentary loss of temper. One incident doesn't constitute abuse.
Fact: Battering involves the establishment of fear and control in a relationship through violence and other forms of abuse used to manipulate one’s partner. Its manifestation through violence is a physical example of abuse that has already been occurring.
Myth: Domest
You can play a role in changing the underlying norms and
culture that allows sexual violence.
Traditional gender roles, power imbalances, and
victim-blaming all contribute to sexual violence. Some ways you
can help:
• Model respectful behavior to those around you.
• Talk with your children about healthy sexual
development and personal boundaries.
• Intervene and speak up when you see inappropriate behavior. To better equip
yourself in these situations, practice what you might say or do
44% of victims are under age 18
80% are under age 30
What can we do?
Be prepared. Getting training, building oneself up mentally and emotionally, gaining confidence, having a few good, go to moves. Being trained in avoidance, in knowing what one will do or not do.
I have worked with so many women, and girls, AFTER they have been assaulted. I am currently of the opinion, that self-defense training, and foundations in education regarding prevention ought to be as common as learning
Common Myths Concerning Sexual Assault
Myth: Only women are sexually assaulted or raped, and only by men.
Reality: Both men and women can be sexually assaulted or raped, and assailants can be male or female with any sexual orientation.
Myth: Someone who was drinking or drunk when sexually assaulted is at least partially to blame.
Reality: Sexual assault survivors are never responsible for the attack, no matter what, no matter how much alcohol was consumed. Responsibility lies with the perpetrator
Since this is sexual assault awareness month, I want to spend some time on education here on our online-dojang.
Let's start with a baseline definition:
Sexual violence means that someone forces or manipulates someone else into unwanted sexual activity without their consent. Reasons someone might not consent include fear, age, illness, disability, and/or influence of alcohol or other drugs. Consent can be initially given and later withdrawn.
Sexual violence is a crime that comes in many form
This list represents five people who've had a major impact on my life;
My Mom and Dad, for always supporting me even during the toughest of times, and teaching me right from wrong.
Caroll Purshuty, for teaching me to control my anger and be a kinder person.
Hayao Miyazaki, for making me want to learn how to draw and animate, and become an artist.
Shigeru Miyamoto, for making the games that I grew up with and making me want to become a game designer and developer. As well showing me that games are no
Cross-train your brain
Cross-training simply means doing exercises that alternately work the left (verbal memory and logic) and right (visual memory) sides of the brain, thereby boosting mental agility over time. For a fun cognitive workout, go to our sister site,, where you can play games like Chinese Checkers, Cubic Rubic and Puzzle Quest for free in the Games section. Or, if you're tech-phobic, test your skill sets with some good old-fashioned crossword puzzles, Sudoku or by chal