self (43)

Does Self - defense really work?


Most people don’t ask me this question outright, but I know they are thinking it: Does self-defense really work?

That’s like asking the Sham-Wow guy if his towel really holds 12 times its weight in liquid, right? Hey, I welcome the believers and doubters alike, and I have more to offer you than my belief in the
effectiveness of self-protection measures. But first, let’s figure out
why it’s so hard to believe a woman can fight back and win.

I believe that doubt over the effectiveness of self-def

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The following story, called "The Parable of the Black Belt," is excerpted from Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, by James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras.

MasterLiKneeling.jpgPicture a martial artist kneeling before the master sensei in a ceremony to receive a hard-earned black belt. After years of relentless training, the student has finally reached a pinnacle of achievement in the discipline.

"Before granting the belt, you must pass one more test," says the sensei.

"I am ready," responds the

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This post is amazing.   I really love it, and have shared it here with permission.  Breathe, and enjoy.


Post written by Leo Babauta.



Breathing can transform your life.

If you feel stressed out and overwhelmed, breathe. It will calm you and release the tensions.

If you are worried about something coming up, or caught up in something that already happened, breathe. It will bring you back to the present.

If you are discouraged and have forgotten your purpose in life, breathe. It will re

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American Cancer Society Relay for Life

I am papp_full_proxy.php?app=40151154689&v=1&size=z&cksum=d9aedc186c45ed2fa100fc96651783fd& in the American Cancer Society-Relay For Life in memory of Mike Wellings, Dick Lundquist, David Cribbs and my mother who was a 20 year survivor of Cancer, and in support of Lois Lundquist who is currently battling breast cancer. This is a disease that knows no boundaries and takes a huge toll not only on those fighting the disease but their friends, family and caregivers. If you can contribute to my goal of 100.00 I would be forever grateful.   You can donate using the link be

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Corsages & Curfews

April 12, 2011



Keep Prom Fun and Safe for Your Teen



                       Everybody say,"Prom!"

It's prom headquarters at The Partnership at

Wait -- before you start envisioning the staff promenading around the office in tuxes and taffeta, high heels and updos, let me explain. They've been busy preparing heaps of helpful information for parents (like me) whose teens are off to prom this spring.

Yes, my son Michael will soon be atten

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Tolerance, and Peaceful Dissagreement

intolerance.jpgWe strive to teach the students in our program to express themselves non-violently, and with respect.  We teach them to use their words.  To find common ground, even if that place is an agreement to disagree, and with respect, move on.   In fact, even in the face of aggressors we teach students to defend themselves verbally, set boundaries, deescalate and exit. 

These are lessons that some adults have yet to learn.  For example, I think of Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who burned the Quran rec
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Mercer Island Martial Arts Fundraiser for the Mockingbird Society

On Saturday, March 26, Mercer Island Martial Arts (MIMA) will host a Parent’s Night Out as a fundraiser for the Seattle chapter of the Mockingbird Society, a non-profit organization that teaches foster

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whoa. A non-biodegradable hamburger??

You want flies with that? McDonald's Happy Meal shows no sign of decomposing after SIX MONTHS
Last updated at 9:39 PM on 12th October 2010
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Looking almost as fresh as the day it was bought, this McDonald's Happy Meal is in fact a staggering six months old.
Photographed every day for the past half a year by Manhattan artist Sally Davies the kids meal of fries and burger is without a hint of mould or decay.
In a work entitled The Happy Meal P
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visualize.jpgLet’s pretend your child has an important project which will require him so speak in front of his class or maybe the entire school. Now keep in mind this is just an example, but the idea is to use visualization on just about everything, especially the tasks which he may feel challenged and fearful of. 

 Say to him something like this..”Son it’s your turn.  You feel  calm, your muscles are relaxed,  you’re breathing easily,  you’re on your way up to the stage and you’re taking your time.  You sta

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Diet Soda Risks

About a year ago, I stopped drinking diet soda.  I have become more conscious of my choices regarding not only sugar substitutes, but also the amount of sugar in everyday products.  I was surprised when reading the labels how many items have sugar, or sugar substitutes in them including things such as tomato sauce. 


Here is an article showing the most recent research on the effects of sugar substitutes.  I found it really interesting.

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It’s this simple:  Children defend 3820636059?profile=originalthemselves with their heads. It’s knowledge that protects children in today’s world. Knowledge about safety, about what to avoid, about what to do, where to go, and how to stay out of harm’s way. 

We are a part of a remarkable association of martial arts teachers, really forward thinking and action-oriented instructors, who come together almost every day to move worthwhile projects forward. The group is called The One Hundred, it’s headed by a 6th degree blac

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Just the other day a parent asked me if she thought my classes promoted violent behavior in young boys. She was inquiring about lessons for her son and was concerned that he and his friends might take what they’re learning and use it inappropriately.
I thought it was a fine question.

Yes, there have been a few cases (very few) of students “playing martial arts” with friends, the same way they play as their favorite superheroes, but I’ve never heard of the play being malicious or hurtful. I do

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How to help your kid with social anxiety:

Maybe it has happened to you before…. Your daughter is scheduled for her first dance lesson, martial arts class, or soccer game and you get her to the class or the field and she freezes!  She just doesn’t want to get into the class or step on to the field!  Your son’s first baseball game is Saturday and he’s been talking about it all week..”I can’t wait to hit the ball, I can’t wait to run the bases, I can’t wait.”  Then when the time comes to get his baseball uniform on he refuses! Or how about

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What is self-discipline?  Self-discipline has been defined as the ability to make yourself do what you know you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like or not!  A disciplined person knows what has to be done and does it.  They don’t put it off until latter or allow themselves to be easily taken off track.  And, most importantly they prioritize and focus on being self-disciplined with activities that move them toward their goals.  There’s a big difference between having self-disci

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My weekly push for 2nd Dan.

It was a tough week this week, I was getting into a grove then I got sick and my car broke down. Bummer.

 Other than that I am looking forward to more training and more learning. I will get through this challenge, and continue my journey. It really is about the journey, not the destination. I can hardly wait.

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I know I have written about the importance of monitoring our thoughts.  We learned that we become what we think about most of the time.  The challenge is to control thoughts of past failures, present and future problems.  The goal… to replace those thoughts with thoughts of success and victory.

The best way I have found to help teach your child to control his thoughts is with a fun concept called visualization.  Positive visualization or mental rehearsal, as it’s sometimes referred to, is practi

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There are some obvious benefits that young and old alike garner from studying the martial arts. The first one is in the exercise involved. Exercise, if it’s tailored for the age and ability of the participant, is good for the body, the mind, and, yes, often good for the spirit too.

A not-so-obvious benefit of studying the martial arts is the often unspoken requirement to “be present” in the practice. “When you’re dealing with kicks, punches, and arm-bars,” says veteran martial arts teacher Tom

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