and (11)

10 Reasons to eat more fruits and veggies

  • Fruits and Veggies are pretty and they add color to your plate
  • They ar3820649635?profile=originale easy to eat and can be found in abundance
  • Fruits and Veggies are high in Fiber which helps you feel and stay satiated
  • Low in calories
  • High in antioxidants so may help reduce your risks for disease and cancers
  • Vitamins and Minerals.  Fruits and Veggies have ton of these
  • There are lots of different types of them out there, so you can always find one you like
  • A great healthy snack
  • Fun to eat
  • Fruits and Veggies are Nutritious an
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How martial arts gets me through my week....

I have what can be a very exhausting job. I spend much of my time as a palliative medicine physician helping the sickest patients cope with their illnesses, support their families through their illness, and balance the delicate line between hope and reality. I see a lot of patients transition though the last days of their lives. I see reconciliations, lives well lived, peace; I also see mourning of lost time, regrets of things not done, and fear of the unknown. All of these things give me perspe

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Gratitude. Simple, and Beautiful

I watched this video upon the recommendation of an amazing friend, and teacher.  Had to share it here.  We have done, and will continue to do gratitude raising projects, and do so for many reasons. 

One being the mounting evidenced based research on the roots, and traits of those who are psychologically more resilient. And this video brings so clearly to another reason:  the personal pleasure, and happiness, a more highly cultivated sense of gratitude brings to one's life. 

Enjoy-- a thousand ho

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When was the last time you opened a phone book?   I know that I can’t remember the last time I didn’t look something up on line or on my phone and yet I keep getting piles of phone books delivered to my door step every year. 

City wide Seattle produces a total of 17,500 tons of phone books every year.  That is a lot of trees.  So today, I did my part and stopped the piles of junk mail and phone books for both my residence and Mercer Island Marital Arts by visiting 
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Diet Soda Risks

About a year ago, I stopped drinking diet soda.  I have become more conscious of my choices regarding not only sugar substitutes, but also the amount of sugar in everyday products.  I was surprised when reading the labels how many items have sugar, or sugar substitutes in them including things such as tomato sauce. 


Here is an article showing the most recent research on the effects of sugar substitutes.  I found it really interesting.

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A few "Things"

In the martial arts, to make true and worthwhile progress, you would do well to have a few "things." 

One of those things is patience. Patience means you look at the long-term benefits of steady, consistent training; not too hard and not to easy, but training that’s varied, interesting, and --eventually --both meditative and challenging. 

Another thing is the big picture view. Your martial arts practice should not be limited to --or even predominately on --the mat. The awareness, the calmness, t

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Food Bank Low Please Help

Empty Shelves Prompts City to Plead for Food Pantry Donations

The level of demand on the city's emergency food stores for needy families rose 209 percent from levels two years ago.



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Positive Psychology – A New Field with a Literary Past

A refreshing change occurring in this field is positive psychology. “Positive psychology is an umbrella term for the study of positive emotions, positive character traits, and enabling institutions” (Seligman et al., American Psychologist, 2005).

Six virtues established by positive psychology are: wisdom and knowledge, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. These virtues are not new. In his utopian work The Republic, Plat

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There are some obvious benefits that young and old alike garner from studying the martial arts. The first one is in the exercise involved. Exercise, if it’s tailored for the age and ability of the participant, is good for the body, the mind, and, yes, often good for the spirit too.

A not-so-obvious benefit of studying the martial arts is the often unspoken requirement to “be present” in the practice. “When you’re dealing with kicks, punches, and arm-bars,” says veteran martial arts teacher Tom

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